Professional grade Radio Telescope for Researcher [ Huge collecting area to catch weak radio signal ].
You need only to connect your PC to the control system and install its software, and then your radio telescope is ready for observation.
RTP90 is a Radio Telescope package ideal for observing weak celestial sources in spectral lines or continuum models in L-Band or other bands up to 22GHz. RTP90 has a 9-meter solid dish with excellent surface accuracy.
Additionally, you can order the Pulsars receiver unit with this package to make your radio observatory more powerful for detecting many weak Pulsars.
If you need a higher G/T to observe the weak signal, you can add the cryogenic system to this antenna. For more information, please contact us.
RTP90- 9.0 meter Radio Telescope

Fully motorized rotational mount.
Dual reflector shape for higher efficiency.
Automatic tracking option.
Azimuth over Elevation mount configuration.
Dual Azimuth motors technology for low backlash.
High-resolution absolute encoders.
Limit switches safety mechanism.
Rack-mounted Antenna Controller.
Outdoor antenna derive unit.
Rack-mounted Back-End receiver unit.
Choose the dual or single Pol. with Linear (V/H) or circular (LH/RH) polarization configuration.
Data analyzing and control software.
50-meter control and coax cables ( or fibre optics link).
One-year warranty and 10-year part supply.
Cryogenic system
Calibration noise source
Extra Front-End units for other frequency bands observation
Training and installation services on site.
RF to fibre converter and fibre links.